• Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust using Vocoll for their CAMHS service

    See how Vocoll is helping our customers provide improved customer service

NHFT Overview

In order to appeal to a digitally savvy generation, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) wanted to create digital touchpoints to improve their existing services and support young people and their families in the community.

Vocoll's Live Support functionality provides responsive, online communication and collaboration channels, designed to connect teams with both service users and their families—all within a secure and engaging environment.

The Trust chose the designed for purpose collaboration and communication product suite Vocoll, to deliver their ‘CAMHS Live’ service and support their 0-19 Admin Hub.

Vocoll’s depth and breadth of functionality, combined with inbuilt configurability, helped empower both teams to deliver support in a responsive, personalised and engaging way.

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Success Statistics

  • < 1 min average response time
  • 5,000+ secure messages exchanged each week
  • 35+ calls resolved per week on average

The Challenge

Traditionally, CAMHS referrals relied on young people, typically struggling with their mental health, to come forward and present to their GP. The sometimes daunting nature of that process meant that many young people would simply not come forward and ask for help in the first place.

In order to support more young people, their families and the teams delivering care and support in the community (in line with their Long Term Plan), NHFT decided to implement Vocoll Live Support; initially to deliver their innovative ‘CAMHS Live’ service. The success of this initiative led to the 0-19 admin team’s subsequent request to extend the Live Support offering to continue to improve their own services.

Vocoll Live Support has provided new opportunities for young people to easily access mental health services.

Andrew Foster—Digital and External Communications Lead at NHFT

Solution Vocoll for NHFT CAMHS Live

A digital touchpoint to help make it easier for young people to access mental health services, whether from CAMHS or a third sector organisation.

  • A discreet, ‘mobile first’ button: Appeal to a younger, digitally savvy generation, encouraging them to seek help in the first place
  • A secure live chat stream: Connect young people with a trained member of the CAMHS team
  • Multiple chat streams: Enable support agents to handle multiple chat streams simultaneously, yet still retain control by using the built in ‘Accept Call’ functionality
  • Seamless call transfer: Allow agents to seamlessly transfer chats to colleagues with deeper subject matter knowledge
  • Unlimited channels: Enable teams to set their own discrete opening hours for when live support agents are available and to choose the title and number of available Chat Topics

Solution Vocoll for NHFT 0–19 Admin Hub

After the initial, successful deployment of Vocoll Live Support in powering the Trust’s CAMHS Live Service, Northamptonshire have subsequently successfully implemented Vocoll in their 0-19 admin hub too. The service has empowered the support teams in fielding general queries, delivering advice and amending appointment times.

  • Geo-location: Empower support agents to give location-aware advice, such as where the nearest advice centre is. Alternatively, support agents can facilitate the provision of emergency care services, should a community user require it
  • Secure Media Library: Allow support agents and service users to share rich media through a secure upload function
  • Templated responses: Empowering support agents to reply quickly to frequently asked queries and to maintain the Trust’s tone of voice with a personal touch
  • Safe and secure: Driven through a secure online service, with all message traffic safely encrypted and all information stored within the UK.

Vocoll Interaction Features

Headline features for digital interaction


Give your teams the ability to handle multiple chat streams at once.


Create groups of people and set privacy to keep communications secure.


Create and customise as many teams as you require.

Media library

Share rich media from a secure shared library. Add to your library simply by dragging and dropping images onto your Live Interactions.


Any device, anywhere. Your visitors and teams are mobile, so your Live Interactions should too. Accessible on desktop, tablet or smartphone—and omni-device synchronisation means conversations are never lost.

Security & privacy

Conversations are securely encrypted with the same security protocol as online banks—and all data is stored within the UK.


Create reports on how your teams and staff are doing. View stats on timeouts, abandoned calls, resolutions, closure times, closed interactions, interactions by category and more.


Create and set categories for calls so that you can understand what people are calling for in reports. Re-organise mid-call, or at the end if required.

NHFT Future Developments

Based on the ongoing success of CAHMS Live and the 0-19 admin hub, NHFT are now in the early stages of exploring how Vocoll’s AI-Driven Knowledge Bot could further enhance their offering.

Vocoll’s AI-Driven Knowledge Bot offers an opportunity to enable greater streamlining of services and further optimise the use of resources, whilst achieving even better levels of individual care and support.

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Knowledge Base

Provides teams with the ability to populate or import FAQs and relevant support material, to create a repository of an organisation’s collected intelligence, which can then be mined by agents and service users as they deliver and access care via Live Support.

Additionally the Knowledge Base parses information and generates relevant tags to support integration with and data mining through the AI-Driven Knowledge Bot.

AI-Driven Knowledge Bot

Integrates with a team’s unique knowledge base, to help drive intelligent responses to service users’ queries, ahead of agent engagement.

The Knowledge Bot enables service providers to be ‘in when they’re out’, without blocking their service users from accessing much needed personal attention, confidentially and in their own time.

AI-driven Knowledge Bot Features

Headline features of our AI-driven Knowledge Bot

Always on

Knowledge Bot will auto-activate when outside of available hours or if no one is available, making sure service users can always get what they need. If they can't, then it sends a callback request and log to the team to pick up when they are next available.


If Knowledge Bot can't answer the question, it will either send the call to a support agent or send a callback request to the support team.

Intelligent response

When a customer asks a question the Knowledge Bot retrieves the relevant answers. If those are not quite right, it will deliver new answers and will never repeat itself. It learns which answers are the best and uses those.


If a support officer comes online when Knowledge Bot is responding, they can interject and take over to provide 1-2-1 support.

Let us show you how Vocoll can help you work smarter

Vocoll is a modular, integrated suite of applications that can make your teams more productive and provide your customers with even better service—for one simple price.

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