Case Study Barts Health NHS Trust & Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Barts Health NHS Trust and Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust have powered their intranets and multiple websites in partnership with VerseOne, when they embraced the possibilities of Vocoll.

Using Vocoll, Barts Health NHS Trust, the country's largest, has boosted effective interactions in a multitude of settings: maternity, CAMHS and in providing a controlled advice line for the busy Communications Team.

Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust delivers a wide range of services to a broad catchment area and the organisation has found Vocoll invaluable for triaging and delivering CAMHS services.

Watch them explain how and why Vocoll has saved resources, whilst enabling them to deliver better patient care.

Case Study Regenda Group & Howard Cottage

Regenda Group and Howard Cottage (as of April 1st 2020, now First Garden Cities Homes) both have multiple websites and a customer portal provided by VerseOne Group.

Vocoll has delivered a direct and intuitive channel between each organisation's front-line teams and their customers, leading to faster responses and happier tenants.

In this video testimonial, both organisations outline just how valuable Vocoll has been in improving their customer service.


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