Vocoll for NHS Maternity Services

Vocoll for NHS is being used to enhance the delivery of patient care by enabling digital triage and service allocation to optimise services where communication and accurate notification are paramount.

Whether offering advice on appointments, guidance on visiting, allaying fears or discussing specific symptoms, Vocoll for NHS is helping Trusts to provide these services.

Digital triage Provide advice and reassurance remotely

Vocoll for Maternity Services is a smart communication and collaboration software platform that enables Maternity Teams to drive greater patient engagement and satisfaction through secure, efficient multi-channel online interaction.

The 'designed for purpose" features provide unique functionality to cater to the specific requirements of both maternity staff and patients.

Vocoll's AI-driven Knowledge Bot can provide automated advice and diagnostics for mothers and their relatives, whilst freeing up front-line staff to deal with the most urgent queries.

Vocoll Interaction Features

Headline features for digital interaction


Give your teams the ability to handle multiple chat streams at once.


Create groups of people and set privacy to keep communications secure.


Create and customise as many teams as you require.

Media library

Share rich media from a secure shared library. Add to your library simply by dragging and dropping images onto your Live Interactions.


Any device, anywhere. Your visitors and teams are mobile, so your Live Interactions should too. Accessible on desktop, tablet or smartphone—and omni-device synchronisation means conversations are never lost.

Security & privacy

Conversations are securely encrypted with the same security protocol as online banks—and all data is stored within the UK.


Create reports on how your teams and staff are doing. View stats on timeouts, abandoned calls, resolutions, closure times, closed interactions, interactions by category and more.


Create and set categories for calls so that you can understand what people are calling for in reports. Re-organise mid-call, or at the end if required.

Let us show you how Vocoll can help you work smarter

Vocoll is a modular, integrated suite of applications that can make your teams more productive and provide your customers with even better service—for one simple price.

Just answer a couple of questions below, to identify the areas where you would like help, so that we can tailor the right Vocoll package for you.

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